I am in a process of deep diving into my paper files and will be posting on my Substack some of the more interesting finds as I go along. I was “Christine Hayes” then.
My 1970s accounting of meeting with Dr. Edgar Mitchell
In 1971 at my mother’s intuitive suggestion, I contacted Dr. then Captain Edgar D. Mitchell who had just returned from the moon. It was remarkably easy for me to make this contact. Dr. Mitchell was deeply impressed by the fact that from the mass of mail on his desk after returning from quarantine, his hand was literally guided to open my letter first. When ordinarily it was his custom to place all mail from unfamiliar sources into the junk mail. As a result of Dr. Mitchell's and my mother's psychic leads, he had me brought to his office at NASA in Houston, Texas. I was then living in San Antonio.
My sessions with Mitchell lasted over a period of three months, one lasting seven hours without a break. At 22 I was still very naive and did not fully comprehend the outstanding nature of my ability. It was Dr. Mitchell who enlightened me to this. He told me repeatedly that my scientific material was valid. He referred to it as fascinating and on several occasions became quite excited about it, once to the point of bounding from his chair. I am giving these details as I wish to stress his response to me and my work at that time, which was in 1971.
He also had his associates in his newly formed Mind Science Foundation give me what I presume was a psychological test. He seemed quite satisfied with the results, although he was vague in discussing their findings.
At the last meeting I was to have with Dr. Mitchell, although I did not know it was to be the last, my naivety again caused me to mention that I had been in recent contact with spiritually developed extraterrestrials. He reacted, it appeared to me, in pure suppressed fright. I remember him saying to me in a very low voice, "You tell them, damn it, leave me"alone." (Meaning leave me, Christine alone) At the end of the meeting he repeated to me that he considered me and my ability the most exciting discovery of his research in metaphysics to date. As he said it, I had the sinking feeling that I would never see Dr. Mitchell again. Although he had promised at our first meeting to help me get these knowledges to the world saying, "We're on our way now, Christine." As he now surmised his impressions of our session, I could see that he would not fulfill his promise.
That is the end of my synopsis in probably 1979. At the very last he knelt before me and my mother and said again that he found me the most fascinating he'd worked with, but that he could not spend his entire time studying me and my sciences, and that's what it would take to accomplish the goal.
When I read above “I could see he would not fulfill his promise” I now think perhaps that he could not. I remember when we were at the dinner table with his young colleagues they asked him if he had seen any UFOs while on the moon and he excused himself from the table and did not return. We now know that he DID see star ships while on the moon.
I could only find two photographs of Dr. Mitchell with a beard as he looked when I knew him. With Uri Geller above. I just watched a video of the now 78 year old Geller talking about his friendship with Mitchell.
Check Dr. Mitchell wrote to my mother for gas expenses from San Antonio to Houston. In 1971 a little over $5 covered it lol. Barely visible here but in the photocopy my mother made those years ago it is more ledgible.
Read about Edgar Mitchell on Wiki
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Fascinating short read Maia, which somehow reminds me of Kerry Cassidy’s “Rebel Gene” and makes me wish to see the day we finally succeed in breaking through the endless and tons of lies perpetuated and enforced relentlessly by the OWL which I now understand are oire Enlil-followers. Keep up the good work!
Wow that's crazy, so do you believe he really made it to the moon? I know there's alot of conspiracies that they really never went. Or was it possible an alien base and he was scared for his life 🤔 That's amazing though you got to speak to him you are definitely a marvel, Thank you 🩷