My inner-planes mentor ThothHorRa reveals to me the history of the Seven Hathors of the Holy Sahu. These are the Greater Cosmos Loghia (Living Logos) of the Solar Divine Feminine of ORION - the Heaven House of our Universal Hologram.
From Wiki on Hathor
Hathor was a solar deity, a feminine counterpart to sun gods such as Horus and Ra, and was a member of the divine entourage that accompanied Ra as he sailed through the sky in his barque. She was commonly called the "Golden One", referring to the radiance of the sun, and texts from her temple at Dendera say "her rays illuminate the whole earth."[ She was one of many goddesses to take the role of the Eye of Ra, a feminine personification of the disk of the sun and an extension of Ra's own power.
Egyptian texts often speak of the manifestations of the goddess as "Seven Hathors" or, less commonly, of many more Hathors—as many as 362. For these reasons, Gillam calls her "a type of deity rather than a single entity".
Sahu (from ancientegyptonline)
In ancient Egyptian religion the “sahu” was the incorruptible soul, but the god Sahu (or Sah – “the hidden one”) was also the personification of the constellation Orion. His consort Sopdet (or Sothis), represented the star Sirius (the “dog star”) and his son, Sopdu represented Venus.
Returning to my Thothic Transmission, the Seven Hathors of the Holy Sahu can also be found as energy points in the auric body. In the Ancient Land of MU (Lemuria) the Hath’Ors (Hath-veil and Or-divine light: That which veils or modulates the divine light so it may be made manifest to the world) were human female oracles in the Temples of the First Sun, overlighted by the Hathors of the Holy Sahu. The “First Sun” was the Creator Star-Sun of the Universe, which is which Thoth refers to as the “Golden Star of Mazuriel.”
From my Thoth Akasha Definitions, Mazuriel is:
The entrance point for the souls of earth and their universal realm into the Attasic Universe is the “Golden Star of Mazuriel.” The “touch point” in this universe for Mazuriel is the “Lion’s Gate” of the Constellation of Leo.
Attasic Universe:
An Intelligent God-plane with an outer neutral universal field that holds the balance between the universe and anti-universe preventing these two potentials from coming into direct contact with each other, which would result in the destruction of both. It is the unified field of all consciousness where there is no separation. All time fields and universal strata striking a harmonic in the center of the soul’s Atoma or ‘inner heart sun’, which is the composite of all seven chakras. The Attasic Universe is the charge of release from time / space / matter divisions.
Attasic state: In this sense it is the plane of the Attasic – a platform for its substantiation as a reality.
On either side of the Nutra are two more universal states. One is the Anti-Matter and the other the Matter. While this trinity can be viewed as separate universes, the can also be seen as simply a 3-fold Universe.
There is also the Attasic Savata. This is a spheric Horizon which we have also referred to as the “Horizon of Aton.” It is the generative cell that creates the 3-Fold Universes. It is Attasic – meaning released from having any space or dimension. The Attasic is also the Sacred Nothing, or ii. We have referred to it as a “Universe” as this term most suits the human idea of a field of being.
The Nutra-Attasic, with the Anti and Matter Universes form a Trifold dynamic. One could see the Nutra-Attasic as the Christhood, with the Anti as the Holy Spirit and the Matter Realm or Universe as the Manifestation. Thoth has also stated that we may find the Attasic Universe within us.
This returns us to the Seven Hathors of Holy Sahu. As Living Logos they are manifested through the Seven Permutations of the Golden First Sun - Mazuriel. This Solar Eminence is located within the “Holy of Holies” trapezium of the Orion Nebula.
Since humanity is created from the Adam Kadmon template which is a First Sun sacred geometric, so we are integrated with the Star-Sun frequency of MAZURIEL, and thus the Permutations, opening to the Seven Hathors of Sahu. Meditating and calling upon these Sacred Words of God (the Living Logos), open the Seeker to the depths of his/her Solar Logos Manifest - the Seal of Divine Being within the Attasic Universe. The Attasic is the ultimate Source of Divine Reunion.
The Gallery
These artworks of the Seven Hathors of the Holy Sahu are my creative works overlighted by Thoth Intelligence to radiate the frequency of the Sahu.
Links lead to my Redbubble Store:
Hathor 1 / Hathor 2 / Hathor 3 / Hathor 4 / Hathor 5 / Hathor 6 / Hathor 7
My favorites are the acrylic blocks and throw pillows!
my website / YouTube channel / art by Maia / Maia’s Redbubble / published works
(for custom channelled art contact Maia
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You could sell these at the pyramid conference!