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My work has become what I have heard to call 22 Energies. Their meaning is woven through different esoteric teachings through the ages like the Hebrew letters, Tarot, Astrology, and more. I was first introduced to them almost 30 years ago in the form of Angels with names like Isis in a book by John Randolph Price. I have acquired volumes of information and even told by Saint Germain that our Earth has 21 Cystal Caves holding these Energies, with the 22nd or 0, like with the Fool card in the Tarot, residing in the center of Earth's Crystal core.

Thoth deeply came to me through Energy no. 1 of Illusion and Reality.

Bashar speak of them recently as 22 Archetypes between us and our Divine Nature. They are Causal Powers of Grace that help us hold Source in alignment. As we learn their different expressions through teachings of planets, zodiac signs, I Ching, Archetypes, we are given keys to our Divine Nature.

At the core of these Energies is Energy no. 0 of Unconditional Love and Freedom, which I have recently been told Joy comes through as well. It is white and has appeared to me as a White megalithic crystal, liquid, and also as fire. I have seen them with each human being, Earth, and the Galactic core, moving along lines of fire. 22 Dragons recently born to hold the emerging purifying Energy. The Angels held them for us in our ignorance, but no more as of 3 years ago, when they are now ours to Master or destroy ourselves with. They weave the Matrix we reside within and mark the gates we step down our consciousness into this realm. Thus we expand our consciousness here, by knowing their flow within us, through an individual fractal of them.

It is by becoming the cup bearer, holding the sacred temple within to house the 0 Energy of our Essence of Source that will sustain us and unzip from the false Matrix. They unfold everything about who we are already seeded to be. Unblocking them completes the cycle of our creation.

But, they are a mystery within mysteries and I am only a student at the start of my comprehension and contemplation. I will say, as you post each of these videos, I often am given insights relating to them a few days or even hours before listening, my mouth a gapped often. I've sensed Seshet for over a year, connecting her Soul to mine - or the same Soul, I'm unsure as yet as the intamcy I sense with her.

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